Chapter 19. Controls

One reprieve from the correlation-does-not-imply-causation difficulty is to seek out data that avoid certain problems with interpretation. Controls are essential to all evaluation of causal models, and better controls can bypass some of the problems in evaluating correlations.

If drunk driving is the cause of increased accident rates, then we should observe a higher rate of accidents when a driver is drunk than when sober. More generally, a causal model works on the simple principle that a substance or event (X) causes something else to happen (Y). If the model is correct, we should observe that Y occurs in the presence of X, but that Y doesn't occur (as often) in the absence of X.

What underlies this reasoning is a comparison:


In order to evaluate a causal model, therefore, the data must address both sides of this comparison -- if we know only the accident rate for drunk driving and not for sober driving, we can't say whether drinking raises or lowers the accident rate. We need data for the baseline accident rate of sober driving, for comparison to the accident rate of drunk driving.

These baseline data are known as a control. A control serves as a reference point for the study, i.e., a point of comparison. (In the Ideal Data section we introduced the idea of a standard or control.  Here we extend the concept of a control for evaluating or interpreting a model.) The following table lists control groups for various kinds of studies:


Control Group

Treatment Group

Smoking causes cancer



Smoking causes cancer

people who smoke less

people who smoke more

Aggressive questioning by a lawyer is more effective than passive questioning

outcome from passive questioning

outcome from aggressive questioning

Coca-Cola tastes different than Pepsi

People's responses to the taste of Pepsi

People's responses to the taste of Coca-Cola

People's responses to the taste of Coca-Cola

People's responses to the taste of Pepsi

A new advertisement causes an increase in sales

sales rates under the old ad

sales rates under the new ad

In some cases, there is no clear boundary for the control group, but controls are nonetheless present. For example, if our model is that increased smoking results in increased cancer rates, then a control is present whenever people with different smoking levels are included. There is no cutoff at which we say people are definitely in or out of the control group, but controls are nonetheless included by virtue of the comparison between different levels of smoking. In other cases, we can say that a control is present, but there is no clear group which can be called "control" instead of "treatment" (as in the Pepsi example in the above table).

The control is possibly the most vital design feature in studies testing causal models (or other models which make a comparison). If the control group is chosen poorly, then no amount of ideal data can salvage the study. It is relatively simple to decide whether an appropriate control (or comparison) is present in a study: Merely list how each group is treated, and list the observations that are made systematically for all groups. A causal model can be evaluated with a set of data only if

As an example, consider the model: aspirin lowers cancer rates. Any study testing this model would need to measure cancer rates in different groups of people, and the groups must differ in their exposures to aspirin. However, if one group received aspirin plus a low-fat diet, and another group received a high-fat diet without aspirin, the groups differ in more than just dose of aspirin. The data generated from the study would lack an adequate control, because the data could just as easily be argued to test a model of the cancer-causing effect of high-fat diets.

The problem with correlational data is that one often does not know how many factors differ between the main group (treatment group) and the control group.

Eliminating Factors with a Control

The purpose of a control is to eliminate unwanted factors that could possibly explain a difference between groups also differing in the factor of interest. If we want to know whether smoking increases lung cancer rates, we don't want our smoking group to be uranium miners with dusty lungs and our non-smoking (control) group to be Himalayan monks, because any difference in lung cancer rates might be due to other differences in environment instead of the difference in smoking. We therefore want a control group to eliminate as many factors as possible other than smoking/non-smoking. What we are controlling for in the control group is not smoking (which is the "treatment" or main factor). Rather we are trying to control for or eliminate the myriad of other factors that we don't want to interfere with our assessment of what smoking does (we mean the same thing by "control for" as we do by "eliminate" or "match" a factor).

By "controlling for" or "eliminating" or "matching" a factor with a control group, we mean merely that the factor is (on average) the same between the treatment and control groups. That is, the control group attempts to be the same as the treatment group except for the treatment factor.  Thus, if our smoking group consists of (smoking) uranium miners, our control group should likewise consist of non-smoking uranium miners.

A factor can be controlled for if

(i)             it is absent in the treatment and control groups,

(ii)            it applies to everyone in the control and treatment groups, or

(iii)           is present in only some members of each group but is present to the same degree between control and treatment groups.

Control groups that match the treatment group in every possible way other than the treatment thus eliminate all possible unwanted factors. But typically (except in the best experiments), it is not possible to obtain such a perfect match between treatment and controls.

Better Controls

From the point we just made, not all controls are equally good, even if they are all considered adequate. Consider the British nuclear power plant example from Chapter 2, in which higher cancer rates were observed in people living near nuclear power plants than in the population at large. Residents living near the power plants are the "treatment" group (exposed to the possible environmental hazard). Controls are thus people not living near the nuclear power plant. These controls could, in principle, be comprised of

control (i): all other people living in Britain

control (ii): people living at environmentally similar sites as the power plant locations but lacking a nuclear power plant

control (iii): people living at sites of the power plants after the plant was built but before any radioactive material was brought in.

While all of these groups would be considered acceptable controls, some seem better than others. Why? The reason is that some control groups match the treatment group for more factors than others and thereby enable us to reject more alternative models than others. Here are 3 models that we might consider for the elevated cancer rates:

These three models collectively propose three different factors as the cause of elevated cancer rates: radiation, environmental quality, and culture. The latter two models suppose correlations among hidden variables and can be ruled out if control groups are appropriately matched with residents near nuclear power plants.

The first control group (i) does not eliminate either of the factors in (b) and (c) and thus would not allow us to distinguish among any of these models - low cancer rates in the control would be consistent with all 3 models. Control (ii) matches both groups for the environmental factor and could allow us to reject model (b): if cancer rates were lower in environmentally-similar sites lacking nuclear plants then we would reject the idea that environmental quality was the cause of cancer. Control (iii) eliminates both the environmental quality and cultural factors and thus could allow us to reject models (b) and (c): if cancer rates were low immediately before the plant started running but increased later, we could reject all models in which cancer rates were high before the plant opened [of which (b) and (c) are examples]. We thus say that control (iii) is better than (ii) because it matches more factors, and both are better than (i), again because they match control and treatment groups for more factors than (i).

The way to assess the quality of a control group is thus to consider the possible factors causing cancer (i.e., the different causal models) and to compare the control groups with each other and with the treatment group to see if some are superior to others. That is, which factors are matched between control and treatment groups; if they are matched, we say they are eliminated:




Power Plant (radiation)


Environmental quality of power plant sites

social culture similar to residents near power plants






Control (i)





Control (ii)





Control (iii)





The third control is thus matched to the treatment group better than the other two controls.

From this illustration, we can also see that the number of alternative models is virtually unlimited. But for each model, we can imagine a control group that would allow us to distinguish it from many of the important alternatives. By and large, we want controls that enable us to reject many of the alternative models. In this nuclear power plant example, we are chiefly interested in whether the radiation causes cancer, so we would want control groups that allow us to reject lots of alternatives to this possibility. Clearly, however, we can never find the perfect control group for all alternative models.

A second (hypothetical) example: GPA and Social Activity

Suppose for the sake of illustration, we observed a negative correlation between a student's GPA and the university-related social activities of a student:


There would be many possible causal models to explain this correlation:

1) activities limit time for studying, and studying causes better grades

2) the more "social" students are less prepared or able academically

3) the more "social" students set higher personal goals and take harder courses, which is the cause of poorer grades

4) students adopt activities in response to poor grades early in their college career

and so on.

As in the above example with nuclear power plants, many of these alternative models suppose that there are additional factors (variables) underlying this correlation and that one of those hidden variables is the cause of the correlation. To eliminate a factor, the correlation between GPA and "activity" would have to remain negative even when the control group was "matched" with the main group so that the hidden factor was the same in both:


Control group that would eliminate the factor

study time

students w/o "activity" who study as much (little) as students with the "activity"

academic preparation and ability

students w/o "activity" that had similar high school grades and SAT scores as students with "activity"

course difficulty

students w/o "activity" taking same courses as students with the "activity"

early grades

students w/o "activity" with similar first-year grades to those with the "activity"

Of course, if the original correlation disappeared when the control group was matched with the main group for a particular factor, we would then suspect that the actual cause of the correlation was that controlled factor.

In some cases, this approach of controlling for factors one-by-one is all that can be done. But there is no end to the number of such factors that can be considered, so this approach is limited.


Diet and Heart Disease

Rates of heart disease are higher in the U.S. than in Japan (and many other countries). Two possible reasons for this difference are (i) genetics, and (ii) culture. That is, genetic differences between U.S. citizens and Japanese citizens could result in U.S. citizens being more prone to heart disease. Alternatively, the cultures are different enough and heart disease is so influenced by culture (diet), that the difference could be mostly cultural.

The most basic control is the comparison of heart disease rates between Japan and the U.S. A better control is to use heart disease rates in people of Japanese descent living in the U.S., so that culture is somewhat equalized between the two groups of different genetic backgrounds. Or we could compare Americans living in Japan with the Japanese in Japan. When the control group is taken from Japanese living in the U.S., the difference in heart disease largely disappears. (Japanese living in Hawaii are intermediate.) So this better control enables us to reject an important alternative model.

Calculating an Expectation

A control serves merely to show us of an expected result in the absence of a particular treatment (a baseline, as we have said). There are times when a control can be calculated, without gathering data. For example, we may easily calculate the odds of winning a lottery, of obtaining any particular combination of numbers when rolling dice, and in other games of chance. These calculations can be very helpful in a variety of other circumstances as well. For example, people often marvel at the occurrence of seemingly rare and improbable events (e.g., having a "premonition"). Calculations can show us just why these individually improbable occurrences should happen, without invoking anything mysterious.

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Copyright 1996-2000 Craig M. Pease & James J. Bull