Scientific Decision-making (the book for Bio301D)

I. The scientific method

Chapter 1. Why science matters
Chapter 2. A template for scientific inquiry
Chapter 3. How non-scientists use the scientific method

Problems for the scientific method


II. Models

Chapter 4. Models are the building blocks of science
Chapter 5. All models are false. But some are useful anyway
Chapter 6. Models of sex in condom testing
Chapter 7. Are you too intoxicated to drive safely?
Chapter 8. Eradicating infectious disease

Chapter 9. Health risks

Problems for models


III. Evidence: ensuring data accuracy

Chapter 10. Data: Why error is unavoidable
Chapter 11. Reducing the error: a template for ideal data

Chapter 11A. Where do numbers come from?
Chapter 12. Drug and DWI testing protocols ensure data accuracy
Chapter 13. DNA typing now and before

Chapter 14. Science and the criminal justice system

Chapter 15. Data presentation


Problems for Data


IV. Interpretation and conclusions

Chapter 16. Is science logical?

Chapter 17. Uncertainty and random:  when is a conclusion justified?
Chapter 18. Correlations are hard to interpret
Chapter 19. Controls
Chapter 20. Prisoners of silence
Chapter 21. Experiments make the best controls

Problems for Evaluation


V. Impediments to scientific progress

Chapter 22. Some problems are intrinsically difficult
Chapter 23. Biological correlates of being gay - biological determinism?
Chapter 23A. Established results that fade: system-wide bias in favor of 'new and exciting'
Chapter 24. Conflict and the corruption of science

Chapter 25. Deliberate bias: how conflict creates bad science  

Chapter 26. Our brains intrinsically mislead us

Problems for Impediments

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