1. and 2. An article by Thomas M. Burton published in the Wall Street Journal describes the sales practices of Caremark International, Inc., a company that provides home health care services, and whose goal is to maximize shareholder profits. The article alleges that Caremark paid medical doctors excessive fees for blood tests and patient exams, and that in return these doctors referred patients to Caremark who really did not need Caremark's services. To accomplish this, these doctors must have incorrectly diagnosed the medical condition of some patients, either deliberately or through serious neglect. (Of course, all medical doctors must swear to the Hippocratic oath to always work to benefit their patients.) As an example of this practice, the article states that "One Michigan doctor generated $2 million a year while placing hundreds of people on home antibiotic therapy for Lyme disease, law-enforcement officials say, although health authorities know of only a tiny handful of cases in the whole state."

1.The conflict central to this article arises because one of the following has two conflicting goals. Mark exactly one answer.

2. One of the course themes is that conflict impedes progress. In this case, there is one model whose accuracy (or quality) has definitely suffered because of this conflict. Identify that model:

3. As described in the course notes, scientists involved in DNA fingerprinting cases have actually encountered which of the following problems?

4. Some DNA typing data presented in criminal cases are simply ambiguous. How does the U.S. criminal justice system treat this ambiguity? Mark exactly one answer.

5.Which of the following methods have been used by pharmaceutical manufacturers to influence physicians in their decisions of which drugs to prescribe for their patients?

6. Pharmaceutical manufacturers use (or have used) which of the following methods to convince doctors to prescribe drugs they sell:


Table of contents

Chapter 22. Conflict and the Corruption of Science

Copyright 1996-2000 Craig M. Pease & James J. Bull. All rights reserved.
